Wednesday 29 April 2015

Crimes Against Men in India- Most Ignored Edidemic

It seems, India is now at the "top"(!?) of the world if crimes against women is concerned. Even 95% of the Indian population believe so.  Very few people with introspective minds, sharp and alert senses can decode the actual scenario behind India's acquiring such a bad reputation.  If you play your common intelligence, you can also be able to make it out!
See, Indian laws  on Rape, Molestation, Sexual Harassment at Work Place etc are especially targeted against men. These peculiar, flawed, anti-male laws are more than sufficient to earn ridicule from other countries of the world, those are enjoying completely gender neutral laws at this 21 st century. Even many African countries also have complete gender neutral laws. But in India, the said laws on sexual offences clearly says, "women can commit no sexual offences against men, women can do no wrong, women don't tell a lie on rape".
Hence, these Indian laws are designed to give women ample power to make rapists/molesters out of men at any time, any where, at their convenience. Moreover, armed with such flawed laws, women in India,  also can rape men by forcing sex on men somehow and then play 'Victim's . Thus massive misuse of Indian Rape Molestation and Sexual Harassment at Work Place laws.  So these Indian laws have become injurious to Indian society. To add insult to injury, these laws have no suo motu, stern automatically executable punishment clauses to adequately punish false accusers women. As I said earlier, these laws believe, 'women don't tell a lie about rape'!! Heck!! This is Indian laws!!!

If you meticulously follow internet, social network sites Facebook, Twitter, Blog, you can come to know, how wantonly these laws are being misused, how men are helplessly getting abused physically, sexually by women !!
Actually such flawed laws take birth as a result of a toxic nexus between anti-male feminists, their slave medias, stooges to feminists law makers, international anti-male organizations, those fund feminist organizations here in India.  Because of these flawed laws, false statistics on crimes against women is soaring. Sold out to feminists Indian medias over-hyping rape molestation stories, putting the accused men on nasty media trial long before final judgements from courts of law. Creating rape hysteria, wave of male hate. Such medias come from both print and electronic froms.The society, including stooges to feminists law makers get brainwashed by such medias.. Anti-men , cunning, sly feminists taking this advantages. They are presenting this inflated data on crimes against women to several international and national bodies. Catching sympathy for themselves. Extracting money for themselves, with a percentage given to their slave medias, for creating more rape hysteria and male hate in Indian society.
This is what going on.
Most strangely, Indian law makers know everything. But their eyes are wide shut. Unbridled, unashamed feminist wooing still go on by these law makers. No honest trial from their part to save men from all kinds of abuses by women, including wanton misuse of these laws. No honest effort on the part of the government, to show respect to 172nd recommendations by the Law Commission of India, year2000, that said to make Indian Rape, Molestation, Sexual Harassment laws completely gender neutral!! No honest effort from the government, to show respect only to Articles 14,19,21 of the constitution, .while law and policy making!!! Shame!!
But what these law makers think, days will go on like this forever, with them oiling feminists during law making!!! Sic!! They are living in the hell of ignorance! Wake up Indian law makers! Before it is too late. Make all Sexual offences related laws completely gender neutral, like other countries of the world, at a par with 21 st century. Save Indian men from abusive women and wanton misuse of these ugly draconian, open to misuse, utterly anti-male , illogical laws. Otherwise, days are not very far behind, when you have to face and suffer massive kick of NOTA in all coming elections. Remember, NO MEN'S RIGHTS IN INDIA,.... NO VOTES.... ONLY HUGE NOTA. So stop ever increasing feminists wooing of yours'. Got it!!!
Disclaimer:- I am not telling all Rape Molestation cases are false. But due to these flawed laws, there are mountainous number of false cases. This is the matter of concern.

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